
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2023


The year 2003 marks the 40th Death Anniversary of Veteran Al Haj Dr Mohammed Pervis Drahaman, recognised as one of Sri Lanka’s National Heros and a key supporter of the Malays in their early struggle to gain official recognition, identity, status and representation in Parliament.


In 1928, the late Dr Drahaman was among the few Malays in Sri Lanka who became a Doctor of Medicine and entered Government service and served with dedication and distinction at many Government Hospitals before he set up private practice in"Kertel” (now Kompaneevidya) to serve his community and to devote much of his time to the welfare and well being of the Malay Community.  The Medical Clinic, Surgery and Dispensary, were opened in"Kertel".  A quote states "Spurning lucrative private practice amongst the elite, Dr Drahaman set up a Clinic in the heart of (then) Malay populated Slave Island area and began championing many of their causes."


Apart from his patients among the Slave Island residents and other members of the Malay community, Dr Drahaman attended to the medical needs of the Indonesian Naval crews who not only sought medical treatment but also board, lodging and assistance to tour the country.  This venue also served as Headquarters for spearheading in Ceylon, the support of the Indonesian struggle for Merdeka (freedom) through KERIS.  The Headquarters also served as a venue for the All Ceylon Malay Congress Movement and the Ceylon Malay Youth League of which Dr Drahaman’s only daughter, Kartini, played a vital role in promoting the Malay Culture among the youth of the Malay Community.

In recognition of his many contributions to the country and the Malay community in particular, Dr Drahaman was appointed by the Government of Sri Lanka a Member of Parliament in 1956 and in 1960.  During his tenure in Parliament, he is evidenced to have championed the interests, heritage, language and employment problems of the Malays.  He also had the distinction of being recognised and honoured by Indonesia, Malaysia and Queen Elizabeth.


He also identified himself with the activities of many Malay organisations in Sri Lanka (too numerous to mention) and was a founder member and past President for many years of the Ceylon Malaysia Society.  He took an active interest in the religious affairs


of  Masjid-ul Jamiya, Colombo 2, and was at the helm of affairs of this Mosque which was built by the former members of the Ceylon Rifle Regiment.


It is evidenced that Dr Drahaman played a key role in the introduction of the Malay Language Exam paper and the introduction of the Malay Program Series "Suara Melayu", which still functions; along with other documented contributions available in the Archives and also in the Hansard, from which is excerpted the following relevant quotes from the Vote of Condolence on the late Dr M. P. Drahaman in Parliament in 1963.


We express our appreciation of the many services that have been rendered to Sri Lanka by the late Dr M. P. Drahaman.  As the President of the Ceylon Malay Congress, he led a deputation before the Soulbury Commission pressing for representation for Ceylon Malays in the Legislature.  He represented a community which, I think has had a rough time over the last quarter of a century or so in Ceylon, and he represented them, very thoroughly, very conscientiously and well the vigour and the way in which he represented his community (in Parliament) in Lobbies and in private.  As a Malay, he was very conscious of the role a Malay could play not only in Malaya and Indonesia but also in Ceylon.  Although he was a nationalist, we all know how understanding and cooperative he was with all communities.  He took a deep interest in the affairs of Malay people all over the world.  When the Indonesians obtained "Merdeka"  their "freedom", Dr Drahaman received special recognition for his efforts by way of Invitation from the Indonesian Government to be a distinguished participant at the Freedom Celebrations.  The Malay community in particular has been made the poorer by the loss of one of its very ardent and zealous fellow workers, and the medical profession has been adversely affected by the loss of a very able and experienced practitioner.  He made a great contribution to his community and he has left behind him a record of which the Malay community may well be proud.”


Dr Drahaman was married to the late Mrs Hazelyn Saldin,  daughter of the late Mr M. K. Saldin a former member of the Ceylon State and Legislative Councils.  He had four sons, the late Dr Siva Drahaman, Mr Vero Drahaman, Dr Revo Drahaman, Dr Sukarno Drahaman and only daughter, Mrs Kartini  Drahaman-Mohamed.


From Suara Melayu Langkawi - SLAMA Newsletter - Nov 2003

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